There are many reasons why it’s critically important to develop young leaders. For starters, there is a wealth of knowledge that needs to be shared in an organization to protect the strength of the company from a succession planning point of view. Training and mentoring young leaders should be a priority and recognized as a responsibility. Whether you realize it or not, you have a lot to offer, and that should not be undervalued. Let’s delve into several considerations and strategies for developing young leaders.


Don’t Withhold Knowledge

Although there is confidential information that cannot be divulged when you’re training someone for professional development, that doesn’t mean you have to withhold knowledge of non-confidential information. This is important because you want to provide an opportunity for the person to understand the complexities of business truly. Sometimes sharing insider information that is not considered confidential in nature can prepare a young leader to deal with similar situations in the future.


Foster Accountability

Being able and willing to take personal responsibility is imperative as a leader. When mentoring someone, you must empower them so that they are responsible for the outcomes of their decisions. Since decision-making is a critical part of leadership, enabling someone to make decisions and holding them responsible for the result makes for powerful teaching moments.


Value Failure

Since there is often a fear of failure, it’s essential for everyone to understand that failure is necessary for success. This is something that should be communicated. Leaders often fail because it’s a natural part of personal growth and professional development. If someone is afraid to make mistakes, there’s a good chance that the growth of the business will be hindered. Many wildly successful enterprises were born out of failure. The mindset should be that mistakes are opportunities for improvement.


Provide Encouragement

Everyone needs to be encouraged, including young leaders. They have not yet developed the confidence that will be necessary for future success. Encouragement can be provided by acknowledging when something is done well.

There is something amazing about imparting knowledge, especially when the person uses what they’ve learned to excel. The impact of developing young leaders can be far-reaching.


Give leaders a great book to read

Harry S. Truman said, “not all readers are leaders, but all leaders are readers.” Reading gives us the opportunity to learn from the successes and failures of others. You can become inspired and show (not tell) how you can bring these leaders from good to great. This will give you and the young leader great talking points and a connection that will last a lifetime. When was the last time someone gave you a book? Having a young leader’s personal development as a priority will help grow the person and the culture of your organization.